Cover Letter

5 tools for writing a graphic cover letter

Getting yourself noticed when you send out your résumé can be difficult. Have you ever considered writing a creative cover letter?

A cover letter gives an added value to a simple CV. However, it has become so widely used that one often risks coming off as ordinary, sending an anonymous file that is immediately forgotten.

What can you do to solve this problem? The best thing is to stand out from the crowd! Writing a creative cover letter with high visual impact will help you to achieve this goal. Including graphic, innovative, and original elements demonstrates a modern and proactive attitude that your bosses will love! Here are 5 free tools that you can use.

Glyphr Studio

This program doesn’t need to be installed and, in addition to being web-based, is easy to use and free. Among its many features, it allows you to create personalized characters, useful for creating logos or for establishing graphic consistency with a creative résumé.

Logo Maker

This free and professional online service is used almost exclusively to create logos. All it takes is some imagination to uniquely represent your name. Rather than write your name, last name, address, and phone number in the standard way, you can play around and create a logo that will impress recruiters.

lettera presentazione creativa


Have you ever thought about how to make your personal history and skills creative? This program allows you to create easy-to-understand and effective icons that will immediately catch the eye of whoever is reading!


Skitch, on the other hand, allows you to put together a more schematic cover letter. In fact, with this program you can create an infographic which includes all of the information that the company needs to know.

Be Happy

The name says it all. Be Happy is a easy-to-use program with many options in terms of graphics and characters. With this program you can really let your imagination run wild.