Using Music To Supercharge Your Productivity
Office Life

Using Music To Supercharge Your Productivity

Music can be used for a lot more than entertainment. It can also be utilized to boost productivity. But, not all music is useful in this regard, and certain types are far better suited than others.

A life without music is simply not a life worth living. Everyone loves music, while each person may have their own preferences, there is not a single person that can’t name at least one song that sets their heart alight.

Music can, however, be used for a lot more than entertainment. It can also be utilized to boost productivity. But, not all music is useful in this regard, and certain types are far better suited than others.

Repetitive and energetic music that includes little to no vocals

This type of music is specifically suited to tasks which do not require intense cognitive function but instead rely on pace and focus. These tasks are one where you need to stay energetic but not overly distracted. This is where the beat comes in.

Music which has a catchy, but uncomplicated rhythm will help a person settle into a productive pace while keeping them from slumping due to the repetitiveness of the job at hand.


With this type of music, we delve into the realm of pure genius. Mozart was unparalleled in his ability to create enchanting and stimulating music. While his pieces may be an audible journey, they have also been found to help improve the memory and learning capacity of the listener.

If you have a long night of studying ahead of you, then it might be a good idea to throw some Mozart into the mix. The result will be an increase in both the amount and quality of information that is retained.

The effect on Mozart’s pieces on memory and learning is so marked that it has actually been given a name. This name being, ‘’The Mozart Effect”.

Empowering music that has a heavy bass line

How do you get pumped up for a big presentation? Do you take a jog or possibly even yell into an empty field? While these tactics may work sufficiently well, they could pale in comparison to the effects of empowering music.

Studies have found that music which is both energetic and positive could provide a tremendous boost in confidence. These songs should be listened to directly prior to the event and not during, less the person get so immersed in the song that they are completely unable to make their intended point.

Classical music

With the sheer volume of music that is available these days, classical music has fallen by the wayside. It has been given the reputation of only being suitable for stuffy people that prefer opera over the cinema. This is a severe injustice to the genre. Not only is classical music a technical masterpiece, but it is also able to have considerable effects on a person’s mood and stress levels.

While some music puts people on edge, classical music works to calm the nerves. Throwing on a classical tune during times of trouble will boost your mood and ease the developing tension in your shoulders. It does this because it has a direct impact on your brainwaves, resulting in a calmer and clearer head.