Gender employment gap: Women in Digital
The gender employment gap is closing but not fast enough. We explore how this plays out in the tech and digital and how to encourage women to explore these industries.The Eurofund conducted an investigation into the gender employment gap across Europe. They found that women’s participation in the labour market had risen 70% (59.64%) which is only 10% below men (70.1%).
A lower female employment rate costs us an estimated €370 billion. It’s essential that we understand it and come up with practical solutions to bring about equality in the workforce. There is a wealth of opportunity available within the fast-growing tech and digital industries.
Many women are often relegated to dealing with caring for the home alongside their work. Employers need to be re-educated to accommodate this but also view this as a problem that affects them. The tech industry has a notorious issue with gender diversity.
However it offers the flexibility that should be of interest to many women. Many organisations are committed to inclusion to close the gap and to correct the imbalance.
Women looking for work in the tech or digital industries can improve their chances of securing the job by doing the following:
1. Join a support network
Jobrapido launched Women in Digital to network, share opportunities and inspire each other. There is also Ada’s list, which started out as London group for women in tech. It has fast become a global network of women sharing job opportunities, advice and opinions on the state of gender equality in the industry.
2. Punch above your weight
Studies have shown that women tend to underplay their achievements and experience in job applications. Don’t just apply for jobs you are qualified for, apply for exciting roles and companies.
Most skills and knowledge can be acquired on the job, that allow you to learn on the job.
3. Don’t be deterred
Previous experience is not the be all in all when it comes to digital and tech jobs. Check out these women from unconventional backgrounds and are now working in tech. The great thing about these industries is that they are relatively new so there’s a lot of training opportunities, crash courses and evening classes that you can take to upskill.
Ultimately there is an enormous financial incentive to improve the gender employment gap in tech and digital. We’ll continue to an increase in the number of groups and networks to encourage women to enter these industries. Be sure to check out ‘Women in Digital’ on Lean In, Tumblr and Linkedin.