Introverted? How to tackle an interview
Careers advice, Interview

Introverted? Here’s how to tackle an interview

Don’t hide that you’re an introvert – own it!

An interview is already an uncomfortable situation for anyone, but for introverts, it can be pure torture. Although the worldview on introverts is changing – with recent books making headlines like Laurie Helgoe’s Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength and Susan Cain’s Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking – introverts still have to make a good impression during a job interview.

Carve out some time to yourself before the interview

Give yourself enough time to arrive early and settle in before the interview. Find a coffee shop or café nearby and spend half an hour or so to relax or focus on what you want to say. Having some time to think right before you meet with the hiring manager will make you feel more at ease.

Practice makes perfect

In most cases the recruiter will ask you to introduce yourself, usually with the dreaded “so tell me about yourself” interview question. You’ll also be asked about your past work experience and why you’d like to change jobs or why you applied. Since you know at least some of the questions you’ll have to answer, it makes it easier for you to prepare. Start by writing some talking points with the keywords and phrases you want to express. Practice in front of the mirror or with a friend you trust. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel during the interview.

Don’t hide that you’re an introvert – own it!

Highlight this aspect of your personality and transform it into a strength. Some advantages of being an introvert include strong observation, listening and critical thinking skills. Take some time to figure out your strengths and connect them to the prospective job.

Now you are ready to face your interview. Search for the best job opportunities on