Careers advice

Online Reputation: What Is It and How Can Help You Find a Job

Why an online reputation can help you find work, and what it means to have a good reputation in the online world.

With new jobs constantly appearing on the internet, the matter of one’s online reputation has taken on increasing importance. But what exactly does it consist of? It’s literally a reputation built up on the web, and involves collecting and monitoring all the relevant information that’s available online. You can study the online reputation of an object, a person, a project, or an event.

So what’s it for? It can give you a general picture of public opinion in relation to something or someone. Companies often use online reputation to evaluate their competitors in relation to a particular theme or product. You can monitor online reputation over the long term, or just briefly, by examining the situation at a particular moment.

Online Reputation: What the Web Says About You

Online reputation does not only involve companies or products, it also concerns people. Prominent public figures are especially keen to use this tool to monitor their influence on the web.

But how can an online reputation help you find work? Firstly, it can help you see what sort of company you’re dealing with: there are various tools that allow you to look into a company’s online reputation.

On the other hand, if you work freelance, your online reputation is very important to you and becomes a sort of self branding exercise. If you have your own promotional website, it’s vital to keep track of your online reputation, in order to find out what users think of you, and the ways you could improve.

Social media make your online reputation even more accessible to users. Indeed, the reviews and comments that are posted can shape other people’s opinions of your business or profession. The online world moves fast, so it’s very important to keep tabs on every channel and examine any sort of information about you that might be circulating on the web.