How to Guarantee you Get a Job This Christmas
Careers advice

How to Guarantee you Get a Job This Christmas

As Christmas approaches, there are some job openings. It's the busiest month for retail and a great time to earn extra cash before you head back to school. Even with all of the job openings you still have to watch out for the competition.

Christmas jobs are essential for students looking to make spare cash while they are home and in between student loan payments.

It may seem like there are countless jobs available, but don’t forget all of your ex-schoolmates will be heading back and looking for work too. The competition will be stiff. There are a few things that your fellow candidates won’t have considered . Get ahead with these five tips:

1. Start Applying Right Now!

The longer you put it off, the harder it will be. Start shopping around for jobs from now and find out what they are looking for and be sure to update your CV accordingly.

Choose Your Industry Wisely

2. Choose Your Industry Wisely

The key to winning the Christmas job lottery is to pick the places that will be the most popular during the season. Hospitality and retail have the most footfall during the festive season, so you’re more likely to secure a position in these industries.

3. Think Outside The Box

Don’t forget that online shopping is huge now so if you’re a genius with technology you might find large retail sites looking for people to maintain and update their websites.

Think Outside The Box

Consider looking for small companies that might need freelancers to help boost their sales or marketing. Or look for customer service and call centre positions for all of the life admin people find time to do during Christmas.

4. Be Flexible

Your flexibility will depend on how much you need the money versus how much you want the money. Availability is the key to success. You have to be ready to work at the drop of a hat for some jobs. If you can do that, you’ll have loads of offers.

Be Flexible

5. Don’t Be a Flake

If you get offered a job or, a few shifts take them. Employers are looking for reliable staff this season. Try not to turn down opportunities as there are a lot of people willing to take your spot. Your end goal should be to make great connections. You’ll need an excellent reference to get more work experience in the future.

The most important thing you can do is to apply for every job you think you’re qualified to do and try to arrange as many interviews as your schedule will allow.