More Confident at Work
Office Life

Ways to Feel More Confident at Work

If you don’t feel very confident in the workplace, there are several things you can do to boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself. Practise these habits every day.

Not everybody is born confident. Actually, no-one is born confident. We develop confidence over time. Sometimes, however, our confidence can take a real knock, especially in the workplace.

Somehow, our confidence can seep away as we make the odd little mistake here and there. Or sometimes our confidence grows when we grow more accomplished. Our confidence often relies on how we react to criticism leveled against us. How well we grow our knowledge and experience, and on the decisions, we need to make throughout the day.

5 Ways to Be More Confident at Work

If you don’t feel very confident in the workplace, there are several things you can do to boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself. Practise these habits every day.

1. Talk about your successes

If you do extremely well on a particular project, there’s no use keeping quiet about it. The workplace is the appropriate place to trumpet your successes without sounding as if you’re boasting.

To boost your confidence, make sure you take credit for what you have done for the company. Tell people what you have done, and you will become more confident as you acknowledge yourself and your successes.

2. State your intention of finishing a task

A good way of building your confidence is to state your intentions. Tell people you are going to complete a task, and then do it. If you speak your intentions out loud, you gain confidence from holding yourself to account.

It also helps to build your credibility with your colleagues, and gain respect. Make sure you finish the task, though, because not doing so will give your confidence a real bashing.

3. Turn personal attacks into triumph

Everyone gets confronted with a personal attack at work every now and then. It can be a real confidence-killer, or you can use it to make a change. For example, if someone attacks you for not speaking in meetings, try speaking out more.

Don’t let the other person’s anger or resentment damage your confidence. Instead, accept the challenge and grow from negative comments.

4. Speak up

Even if you’re a naturally shy person, it is important for you to speak up and be heard. If you sit back in a meeting with and let everyone else do the talking, you are losing out on an opportunity to contribute your ideas and build your confidence at the same time.

A lack of confidence can keep you from speaking up, but once you take a chance and speak up for the first time, it’s amazing how much more confident and brave you will feel.

5. Get training

If you feel out of your depth at work and lacking in confidence because you haven’t had the proper training, there are easy ways of solving the problem. There are plenty of courses available in thousands of subjects online.

If nothing suits, you could attend a seminar or a conference. The better your training, the higher your capabilities, and the higher your confidence levels.