Tips for Eliminating Computer Eye Strain
Common symptoms include tired and dry eyes, a stiff neck, and aching shoulders. What to do? We take a look at few ways that you can help to reduce the strain on your eyes.CVS, or Computer Vision Syndrome, is becoming more and more common. It is very unhealthy for our eyes to focus for extended periods on screens.
The light, glare, and angle that you are working from, all affect the muscles in your eyes as well as your head, neck, and shoulders.
How To Reduce The Strain On Your Eyes
Contact lens wearers, especially, can be affected by computer strain. Common symptoms include tired and dry eyes, a stiff neck, and aching shoulders. What to do? Well, there are a few ways that you can help to reduce the strain on your eyes.
1. Look Away
It’s essential that you take a break every 20 or so minutes and focus on something else. The muscles of your eyes need to refocus on something else to help you reduce straining them. Eyesight is one of the most important senses we have and it is far too easy to abuse our eyes.
Small screens and reading text that is too small for normal vision is also very unhealthy. Never read or spend too much time on social media or working on a device that strains your vision.
2. The Right Angle
The distance of your computer monitor, laptop screen, or iPad, makes a big difference to how hard your eyes have to work, too. Ideally, the screen should be about an arm’s length away and the screen needs to be a few inches (4-8) below your eyes.
This means that you will be looking down, and not up, to a monitor, or screen. Your neck will be able to relax as you work. Also, check the angle of your laptop screen. It should be tilted, slightly away, and not vertical.
3. Blink Blink Blink
Focusing on a screen for an extended period of time leads to dry eyes. There is a natural tendency for us all to stop blinking when we are concentrating. When this happens, over the course of a few hours our eyes will dry out. Our eye-lids are supposed to blink continuously to keep our eyes moist and to keep our eyes clean.
Literally, it is a good idea to stop working every few minutes and blink your eyes rapidly in succession. This will help to moisten them and help stop them from becoming too dry. Contact lens wearers, especially, need to do this diligently. Artificial tears are also a good idea and need to be used regularly to help prevent dry eyes.
4. Dim the Light
Blue light and screens are continuously bombarding our eyes with light. This is different to natural daylight and our pupils adjust accordingly. However, if the room you are working is also very bright, focusing on darker text can be a strain. You may need to adjust the brightness of the monitor or screen, to compensate.
If you are working by a widow, you may find it easier to draw the curtains and work in a dimmer environment. If you use your hands as a visor over your eyes and it immediately feels better, then you need to adjust the brightness or the angle to prevent straining your eyes.
5. Stop and Take a Break
It is important for the health of our eyes that we stop working and take regular breaks. It is not good to work for hours at a computer or look at a screen. Our eye muscles are supposed to, like a camera, be able to zoom in and out. Keeping them locked onto one field of vision places a strain on our visual system.
As we age, our ability to zoom in and out may also slow down. If you are experiencing focus problems or experiencing any issues with your vision, it is essential that you see an optometrist. He will be able to check your vision and see if you need to wear contact lenses or glasses. Regular breaks will help your eyes to relax, change focus, and help prevent eye strain. Go on, go and make a cup of tea. Your eyes will thank you.